BFG 1300 - 1982 |
anno | 1982, registered
01/01/1983, first registration 2007. Sold: april 2012. |
specificaties |
registratie | chassisN°: 147 of only 400 made |
kilometers | 10.431 kms (in 2012) |
documenten |
purchase certificat + original Belgian registration + type aproval |
info reKupnet: | complete story :
www.Auto-Moto.Link/blackattack/follies/bfg After driven this bike for almost
5 years / 10.000 kms, it was time to pass it
on to the next enthousiast. Na zo'n 5 jaar / 10.000 km te hebben gereden, was het tijd om deze motorfiets
door te geven aan de volgende enthoesiasteling. |
Kontich / Antwerp / Flanders / Belgium / Europe |